
Is sella rice better than normal rice for diabetics?

Is sella rice better than normal rice for diabetics?

Different foods have Differing Effect on Blood Glucose on 1.Various people, and in fact, 2.Does not stay the same during Different Times. 3.In fact, the Effect is also Absolutely Dependent on the Quantity Eaten, and on, 4.What Other Foods were Eaten Together with this. However, it is quite easy for you to see what effect Sella Rice, or for that matter, any kind of Food has on your Blood Glucose, by TESTING. TESTING REGULARLY is a Diabetic’s BEST FRIEND. After eating a small quantity, wait for about 30–45 minutes and test BG level using a good Home Monitor. The accuracy of these home monitors are pretty close to testing at the Lab. Based on the results, you would then know, the effect on BG, on yourself, under these specific circumstances.…
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How does one gain both more visible muscle and bulk along with strength?

How does one gain both more visible muscle and bulk along with strength?

  In order to be able to Increase Muscle Size and Strength, the following are my Suggestions: Rest Well a) You need at-least 8 Hours of Sleep (10 hours preferable) everyday. This is Very Important and is more often than not, overlooked. Eat Well a) Need to eat sufficient quantities of Good Quality Protein, with EVERY MEAL.For Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS)  / Muscle Growth, to occur, ensure that the Protein you eat, contains at-least 3 grams of Leucine. b) Need to eat, at-least 1 gram Protein, per Pound (NOT Kilogram) Body Weight. This is a good STARTING POINT. c) Need to eat more Protein, NOT LESS, as you age. d) Don't forget your Carbs and Fats too, in your Meals. e) Ensure 3–5 hours Gap Between Meals. f) REMEMBER THAT…
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How do I lose belly fat even if I eat rice?

How do I lose belly fat even if I eat rice?

A difficult question to answer, especially without a face-to-face discussion, Here are some basics for you to consider. Excess Fat, especially around the Belly area is caused by: 1) Eating Excess Calories (you eat much more than you use/burn) 2) Eating a LOT of Food Items with Low Glycemic Load values 3) Leading a Very Sedentary Lifestyle 4) You might be Carbohydrate Intolerant / Pre-Diabetic or Diabetic 5) For sure, you are Leptin Resistant 6) Eat well. Yes, this IS IMPORTANT. Before even getting into more details, Excess Fat accumulation around the Belly Area (Apple like Body Shape) very likely means that you could be Pre-Diabetic or Diabetic. This is very serious. In case you haven't already, please visit your Doctor to check this this right away. Now for…
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Is running good for swimmers?

Is running good for swimmers?

It depends on your goals. Assuming that you are a Competitive (may or may not be world-class) Swimmer...again, not sure if you are a Sprint Swimmer or a Long Distance (such as, Triathlon) Swimmer. And/or, if your Health Goals are just to keep active and you feel that Running could also be taken up, along with Swimming... Well, Swimming is a pretty Good Cardio workout. So, is Running. Long Slow Distance (in both Swimming and in Running) are NOT the most Effective methods of Cardiovascular Training, however. So, if you are a Swimmer, Competitive or Otherwise...Short Distance Sprinter or Long Distance Swimmer, assuming that you are already practicing your Sport (Swimming) a lot, then, your Sports Skill therefore, increases, as will your Cardiovascular Health as well. No particular gains can…
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Which exercise is better for losing weight, running and walking or weight lifting?

The primary ways to lose weight (assuming abnormalities such as Thyroid Dysfunction etc. does not exist), are: NUTRITIONAL INTERVENTION: This is the PRIMARY FACTOR responsible for Weight Gain or Weight Loss. You CANNOT OUT-EXERCISE A BAD DIET. You need to ensure that you are on a Calorie Deficit...that is, Calories Consumed is LESS than Calorie Expended. You also need to consider What Kind of Foods you eat, When you eat them, How much you eat and How you eat. Eating too much of Sugary and Starchy Foods (Simple Carbohydrates such as White Rice, White Bread, Flour, Potatoes...) will lead to FAT Accumulation. Eating too much food will lead to FAT Accumulation. Eating too often without sufficient gaps will lead to FAT Accumulation. Eating too Fast, will usually get you to…
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What are the best YouTube channel for weight loss at home?

The following are the Basics, when it comes to Excess Body Weight Loss. Nutrition At the risk of repeating this a million CANNOT OUT-EXERCISE A BAD DIET. So, this is the TOPMOST PRIORITY, with regard to EXCESS Body Weight Loss. Keep an Active Lifestyle Being Active keeps you healthy and fit. On the Other Hand, Leading a Sedentary Lifestyle will become the cause of many Chronic Diseases such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Issues etc... The Right Exercises...the Right Manner Decide on what your Fitness Goals are and Design an Appropriate Training Program. You can do this yourself, (if you are qualified to do so), or you will need to approach a Qualified and Experienced Fitness Professional. Once you Understand and are Fully Satisfied with your Training Program, stick with…
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What are some ways to reduce fat without gaining muscles?

What are some ways to reduce fat without gaining muscles?

I am going to assume that you are carrying a good amount of EXCESS Body Fat. Note that owing to the nature of the question, some of the basics are also discussed briefly. So, this discussion is overall, slightly lengthy... What is FAT? Fat is one of our body's Important Energy Sources. While it is NOT the first energy source that our body "prefers", nevertheless, FAT plays many important roles, as an Energy Store, as an Energy Source, as well as in Other Regulatory Functions. Fat is not just a BLOB of “dirt”, that is best gotten rid off completely and therefore, should not be looked at in that negative manner. As mentioned, Fat being an Important Energy Store, acts like a Battery that stores Power and provides it as/when…
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What are the best exercises to lose belly fat?

What are the best exercises to lose belly fat?

The fastest way to reduce Excess Belly Fat, Rapidly, is through: 1) Nutritional Intervention (this is the MOST IMPORTANT) 2) Lead an Active Lifestyle 3) Manage Stress Well I am cutting and pasting (mostly) here, from my own response on a very Similar Query, a short while back... Assuming you do not suffer from dysfunctions such as Thyroid and such, here are some of the reasons for Excess Fat to accumulate in your Belly (and hip/thigh) areas. 1) Sedentary kind of Work and Lifestyle 2) Losing a lot of Muscle Mass 3) Reduced Metabolism 4) UnHealthy Eating Habits The Sedentary Work and Life Style leads to a lot of issues, such as loss of muscle mass, which in turn also contributes to your body's reduced Metabolism. Which in turn means…
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In order to increase your maximum bench press, should you bench close to your max or just do less weight for gradually more reps?

In order to increase your maximum bench press, should you bench close to your max or just do less weight for gradually more reps?

Increasing your Bench Press will mean that you are able to Bench more weights and/or Bench More Reps or both. We discuss some basics here, to facilitate understanding about how this works. Bench More Weights (Intensity) You will need to get Stronger. Assuming you are a relative Newbie, the BEST and EASIEST way to do this, is through Linear Progression. This means thatfFor every session at the Gym, you need to Increase Weight Gradually and Consistently. For the Bench Press and for the (Overhead) Press, these Increases are Little (like 1 or 2 kilograms every workout) AND, after a VERY SHORT TIME, you will need to lower the increases to even less (0.5 kgs, 0.25 kgs etc). The way this works is through General Adaption Syndrome that your body goes…
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What is muscle quality?

What is muscle quality?

Two things you usually look for in muscles (especially, Skeletal Muscles): 1) Strength 2) Hypertrophy (Size) You could (up to a point) increase Strength without much if any, increase in Size. But, increase in Size is eventually going to happen. Also, Hypertrophy (Increase in Size) does not Necessarily translate into Strength. Two kinds of Hypertrophy... Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy (build-up of Sarcoplasmic Fluid in the muscles, give them their Increased Size), does not in itself, translate to any meaningful increase in Strength. For instance, if you use low weights and high reps (6, 8 and more repetitions) in your exercises, you will end up with this kind of (Sarcoplasmic) Hypertrophy. Certainly will be stronger than a person with Sedentary Lifestyle. However.... The other kind of Hypertrophy is MyoFibrillar Hypertrophy. Here, there are…
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