Is sella rice better than normal rice for diabetics?

Is sella rice better than normal rice for diabetics?

Different foods have Differing Effect on Blood Glucose on 1.Various people, and in fact, 2.Does not stay the same during Different Times. 3.In fact, the Effect is also Absolutely Dependent on the Quantity Eaten, and on, 4.What Other Foods were Eaten Together with this. However, it is quite easy for you to see what effect Sella Rice, or for that matter, any kind of Food has on your Blood Glucose, by TESTING. TESTING REGULARLY is a Diabetic’s BEST FRIEND. After eating a small quantity, wait for about 30–45 minutes and test BG level using a good Home Monitor. The accuracy of these home monitors are pretty close to testing at the Lab. Based on the results, you would then know, the effect on BG, on yourself, under these specific circumstances.…
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What are the simplest ways to reduce weight at home?

What are the simplest ways to reduce weight at home?

Two things you need to keep aware of, with regard to Reducing/Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight. 1. Nutrition 2. Keeping an Active Lifestyle To this would add that it is important to NOT let Stress get to you. Take it Easy…it is NOT worth it to get Stressed All the Time (Chronic Stress). This is NOT GOOD…to be Stressed Out Always. Now to elaborate… 1. Nutrition. This is the MOST IMPORTANT aspect. I would suggest the following: a. What to Eat Avoid Junk Food/Fast Food and Colas (of any kind). Reduce intake of Simple Carbohydrates (white Rice, white Bread, Flour…) Increase Intake of Complex Carbohydrates (Oats, Millets and such) Note that Vegetables are an EXCELLENT Source of Carbohydrates and other Essential Nutrients. Have a Good Amount of Quality Protein with…
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Most Effective Natural Fat Burners with Energy

Most Effective Natural Fat Burners with Energy

Well, as far as Natural Fat Burners are concerned, let’s look at it from the point of view of 1) Food 2) Eating Habits 3) Active Lifestyle ——————— 1) Food… a) Go easy (eat in less quantities) Carbohydrates, especially simple carbohydrates. White Rice, Wheat, Flours etc are all simple carbohydrates… Meaning, they get digested very quickly…leading to Spurts in Blood Sugar Levels. This IMMEDIATELY, therefore, causes the Pancreas to produce INSULIN, whose function is to REMOVE the excess Blood Sugar from the blood and Place it into cells which store sugar and use them for energy requirements. The issue with INSULIN (from a body weight perspective) is that, it is a FAT STORAGE hormone. So, the more INSULIN…the more you store as FAT. b) If on the other hand, you…
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