Reply To: For the past three months I have been training hard but my muscles are not growi

Home Forums Strength and Fitness Forum For the past three months I have been training hard but my muscles are not growi Reply To: For the past three months I have been training hard but my muscles are not growi

BR Srinivasan

1. Ensure you have designed an Appropriate Workout Program, that,
a. Has Compound Exercises that workout your entire body…not Body Part Split (Body Building type)

b. I would recommend Squats, Deadlifts, (Overhead) Presses / Bench Press (alternating)… Include Power
Cleans in about a months’ time. Include Chin-ups, as an additional Exercise, as on all days,
right from the start.

c. Has Progressive Overload as its Foundation, (you need to increase weight, progressively, in a
meaningful manner, EVERY TIME you workout)

d. Has Linear Progression built into it, (until you graduate from a Novice into an Intermediate)

e Should provide for appropriate Rest Days. You CANNOT work out everyday. In fact, workout no more
than 3 days per week… 2 days per week is sufficient (3 days per week is much better/quicker
results)… Any less than 2 per week or any more than 3 per week is NO GOOD.

2. Ensure you eat healthy and eat well.

a. You need a Calorie Surplus to grow…no two ways about this. You need to EAT WELL… INCREASE THE
AMOUNT OF FOOD (GOOD FOOD…obviously, not Junk Food) you eat.

b. Ensure you consume a LOT of Good Quality Protein with EVERY MEAL. A minimum of Number of Grams
of Protein equal to your Body Weight in Pounds, is a GOOD START. Increase this, as your
workouts increase in Intensity.

c. Drink more MILK…whole…not skimmed stuff. If you can, GOMAD (Gallon of Milk a Day)… It is a LOT
of milk, but, it WILL grow your Muscles… You can taper the quantity of milk consumed, over
time (maybe in a couple of months or so).

3. Make sure you Rest well. A minimum of 8–9 hours of sleep is MANDATORY.

There is NO WAY your muscles won’t grow with all the above.

There is NO WAY your muscles won’t grow with all the above.