Does weight lifting reduce or stunt height and stop growth?

Does weight lifting reduce or stunt height and stop growth?

A couple of different aspects to consider. To lose weight, it is More Important that you look at your Nutrition Intake, both in Quantity and in Quality, before anything else. Some of my Recommendations are: Avoid Fast Food and Colas (Soft Drinks) of ANY KIND. Minimize Simple Carbohydrates (the ones that digest fairly quickly) such as White Rice, White Bread… Eat more Complex Carbohydrates (ones that do NOT digest quickly), such as Oats. Note that Vegetables are an EXCELLENT source of Carbohydrates and other Nutrients. Whole Milk is Pretty Good to drink too. Ensure that you eat Good Quality Protein in Adequate Quantities with each Meal. NEVER SKIP BREAKFAST. Make sure that you eat a Good Amount of Quality Protein with your Breakfast…very important. Dietary Fat is good to eat…
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