Is running good for swimmers?

Is running good for swimmers?

It depends on your goals. Assuming that you are a Competitive (may or may not be world-class) Swimmer...again, not sure if you are a Sprint Swimmer or a Long Distance (such as, Triathlon) Swimmer. And/or, if your Health Goals are just to keep active and you feel that Running could also be taken up, along with Swimming... Well, Swimming is a pretty Good Cardio workout. So, is Running. Long Slow Distance (in both Swimming and in Running) are NOT the most Effective methods of Cardiovascular Training, however. So, if you are a Swimmer, Competitive or Otherwise...Short Distance Sprinter or Long Distance Swimmer, assuming that you are already practicing your Sport (Swimming) a lot, then, your Sports Skill therefore, increases, as will your Cardiovascular Health as well. No particular gains can…
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