Which exercise is better for losing weight, running and walking or weight lifting?

The primary ways to lose weight (assuming abnormalities such as Thyroid Dysfunction etc. does not exist), are: NUTRITIONAL INTERVENTION: This is the PRIMARY FACTOR responsible for Weight Gain or Weight Loss. You CANNOT OUT-EXERCISE A BAD DIET. You need to ensure that you are on a Calorie Deficit...that is, Calories Consumed is LESS than Calorie Expended. You also need to consider What Kind of Foods you eat, When you eat them, How much you eat and How you eat. Eating too much of Sugary and Starchy Foods (Simple Carbohydrates such as White Rice, White Bread, Flour, Potatoes...) will lead to FAT Accumulation. Eating too much food will lead to FAT Accumulation. Eating too often without sufficient gaps will lead to FAT Accumulation. Eating too Fast, will usually get you to…
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What are the best YouTube channel for weight loss at home?

The following are the Basics, when it comes to Excess Body Weight Loss. Nutrition At the risk of repeating this a million times...you CANNOT OUT-EXERCISE A BAD DIET. So, this is the TOPMOST PRIORITY, with regard to EXCESS Body Weight Loss. Keep an Active Lifestyle Being Active keeps you healthy and fit. On the Other Hand, Leading a Sedentary Lifestyle will become the cause of many Chronic Diseases such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Issues etc... The Right Exercises...the Right Manner Decide on what your Fitness Goals are and Design an Appropriate Training Program. You can do this yourself, (if you are qualified to do so), or you will need to approach a Qualified and Experienced Fitness Professional. Once you Understand and are Fully Satisfied with your Training Program, stick with…
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Tips to lose 20 kgs in 2 months

Tips to lose 20 kgs in 2 months

Let us understand the situation and underline a couple of things here: Nutrition: 1. Avoid Junk Food/Fast Food/Soft Drinks of ALL kinds 2. Reduce Intake of Simple Carbohydrates, such as White Bread, White Rice, Flour… 3. Get your Carbohydrate Requirements from Complex Carbohydrates 4. Eat a LOT of Vegetables…they are a VERY GOOD SOURCE of Carbohydrates and other Essential Nutrients. 5. Eat Fruits. 6. Ensure that you have a Good Amount of Quality Protein with ALL YOUR MEALS. 7. Do NOT SKIP any Meals 8. Do NOT SKIP BREAKFAST 9. Dietary Fat is good for you and will NOT make you fat. Avoid the Trans Fat type. Workout: You need to give your body a reason to get Stronger and grow Muscle, rather than shunt Calories Consumed towards Fat Storage.…
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