- Have Clear Health Goals for yourself
- If Running will help you attain those Health Goals, then, do take up Running.
- Approach a Good/Qualified Running Coach.
- Running Coach will provide you a Good Training Program.
- Running Coach will help you with general Nutrition, Hydration and Dress/Outfit Advise.
- Follow your Running Coach’s advises…ALL of them.
- Join a Running Group.
- Running Group will help you with maintaining Schedules and will Motivate you to Work towards your Goal.
- Remember, Running involves a LOT of different kinds… For example, 100 Meters Sprint and a Full Marathon or an Ultra Marathon are very very very different kinds of Running, obviously requiring VERY VERY VERY different training programs.
- Warm-ups before your Runs and Cool-Downs after completing your Runs are Mandatory
- Strength Training (in addition to your Running Program) will help you gain Strength, thereby, Lessening/Eliminating Injuries and will also help Improve your Running Performance.
- Consult with your General Physician and ensure you get cleared for Strenuous Workouts, especially as you age.
- Well, don’t not do any of the above
- Don’t Procrastinate, Remain Sedentary and Postpone your Start Date… Start NOW.
- Don’t Skimp on your Rest and Recovery. R&R is when you get better at any sport. Rest Sufficiently.
- Don’t Skimp on your Nutrition, thinking that will be a good way to reduce weight. You need to Eat Well and Eat HEALTHY.
- Don’t go Light on Hydration… this is VERY important.
- Don’t over use your Running Shoes… Replace them according to their Recommended Usage Schedule.