Training for OCD

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    I am a student and I have OCD. How to exercise ?

    BR Srinivasan

    Ok. And what all do you do in your Campus Gym? Anything specific??

    I am asking, because I would like to understand if you are doing a lot of cardio based training (such as treadmill) or maybe body building type training or strength training etc… But, specifically for you, working out will release endorphins in your brain, which will calm you down, and will likely help with your OCD.

    Do you feel better after a workout ?? Or no?


    And it’s depressing. For a group of muscles each day. Like for chest, arms, shoulders

    BR Srinivasan

    That’s more of a body building type routine… Anyway, does working out this way, help you with your OCD? You might try some cardio too and see if it helps you more…try jogging a couple of kilometers. See if that makes you feel better…


    I workout to gain weight. Cardio and jogging will not help it??? so I don’t know what to do. And working out doesn’t help my ocd

    BR Srinivasan

    In are you haven’t tried jogging /running yet, I suggest you give it a try. Might help a great Deal…In case you haven’t


    I fear that if I run or jog, I ll loose more weight. Already I feel so lean. I’m not a good eater. I eat only very little

    BR Srinivasan

    We can always deal with your weight a bit later on. Let’s try jogging for a couple of weeks and see how you feel. Also, let’s meet to discuss, if possible… Love to talk face to face with you.


    Yeah I ll try to jog. Yeah sure

    BR Srinivasan

    Thats great…..

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