What happens to that guy who doesn’t do any weightlifting but only push-ups and crunches?

What happens to that guy who doesn’t do any weightlifting but only push-ups and crunches?

This will largely depend on your Fitness Goals. Are you a Marathon Runner? Are you a Sprinter…? Do you have an Active Lifestyle? Do you have a Sedentary (Desk) Job? Answers to these questions might help in deciding more specific answers. However, the following holds true: Strength is the most Basic Component of Fitness Training for Strength also increasing your Cardiovascular Health (for Marathon Training and such, more Specialized Training is of course, required) Strength Gained, stays with you for Life Cardio is Gained (and is Lost) Fairly Quickly Strength Training is Anabolic (Builds Muscle…shouldn’t be confused with Body Building…it is Vastly Different). Strength Training also Increases Bone Density and Increases Sense of Balance. Think of how many of your older Relatives have Had a Fall Have Broken one/more of…
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