How long should I wait after eating to test my after meal blood sugar?

How long should I wait after eating to test my after meal blood sugar?

It depends on what you eat, how much...... If you have eaten Sweets/Chocolates (Sugar), then, Blood Glucose (BG) Spike could happen in as little as 10-15-20 minutes. Simple Carbohydrates might take a while longer (but not too much longer...maybe at 30-45 minutes or so) to cause BG Spike. And likewise, various kinds of foods take different times to cause BG Spikes and this can vary person to person and also can vary at different times for the same person. Proteins take a lot longer to affect BG. Fats (by themselves) cause Little to no Increase in BG. Factors such as how Stressed a person is, What kind of meal they had previously and When and How Much they ate, are they Diabetic, and if so, then, for how many years,…
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Is sella rice better than normal rice for diabetics?

Is sella rice better than normal rice for diabetics?

Different foods have Differing Effect on Blood Glucose on 1.Various people, and in fact, 2.Does not stay the same during Different Times. 3.In fact, the Effect is also Absolutely Dependent on the Quantity Eaten, and on, 4.What Other Foods were Eaten Together with this. However, it is quite easy for you to see what effect Sella Rice, or for that matter, any kind of Food has on your Blood Glucose, by TESTING. TESTING REGULARLY is a Diabetic’s BEST FRIEND. After eating a small quantity, wait for about 30–45 minutes and test BG level using a good Home Monitor. The accuracy of these home monitors are pretty close to testing at the Lab. Based on the results, you would then know, the effect on BG, on yourself, under these specific circumstances.…
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