How does one gain both more visible muscle and bulk along with strength?

How does one gain both more visible muscle and bulk along with strength?

  In order to be able to Increase Muscle Size and Strength, the following are my Suggestions: Rest Well a) You need at-least 8 Hours of Sleep (10 hours preferable) everyday. This is Very Important and is more often than not, overlooked. Eat Well a) Need to eat sufficient quantities of Good Quality Protein, with EVERY MEAL.For Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS)  / Muscle Growth, to occur, ensure that the Protein you eat, contains at-least 3 grams of Leucine. b) Need to eat, at-least 1 gram Protein, per Pound (NOT Kilogram) Body Weight. This is a good STARTING POINT. c) Need to eat more Protein, NOT LESS, as you age. d) Don't forget your Carbs and Fats too, in your Meals. e) Ensure 3–5 hours Gap Between Meals. f) REMEMBER THAT…
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Do I have to lose fat to build muscle?

Do I have to lose fat to build muscle?

There are several different things you need to understand about this. 1. You need to understand Progressive Overload. What that means is, your body adapts to stress. So let’s say you started doing maybe 20push-ups. So, from zero push-ups, your body then got stressed when you did 20 push-ups and consequently, adapted to that by getting stronger (and slightly bigger). Then say you went to 30 and 40 and then to 50 push-ups. Your body adapted to these increases and got stronger and slightly bigger each time. However, now, since you are always doing 50 push-ups everyday, given the fact that you have already got adapted to 50 push-ups, your body needs to do nothing more. You understand, how this works now. So, you might try to do higher reps…
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