How do you lose fat quickly without losing lean muscle when you are at 12% body fat?
Some points to Ponder: When you need to build muscle, you’ll have to gain body weight. This means that you WILL also gain FAT. You can skew this towards MORE muscle, less FAT…with proper Exercise and proper Nutrition. But, you cannot make it like 100% Muscle Growth with NO FAT gains…Not possible. The Reverse holds true also. When you like to Lose Body Fat, you’ll need to lose body weight. Which means, you’ll lose Muscle too as you lose FAT. Again, you can Skew this in the direction you like. With proper Exercise and proper Nutrition. Establish your Health/Fitness Goals…this is the First and Important Step. Next, design a Training Program to achieve this. If you know what you are doing, can be done by yourself. If not, approach a…