
Will building muscle decrease the speed of punching?

Will building muscle decrease the speed of punching?

If you are building muscle, like a body builder does, emphasizing Muscle Size/Hypertrophy and Muscle Definition, then, yes, that will get in the way of your punching. However, if you train specially for Strength Gains, this will Add to your Punching Power and will NOT diminish Punching Speed. Training for Strength will also lead to some Muscle Hypertrophy but will look very different from a Bodybuilder’s Muscles. Also, your muscles are predominantly Fast Twitch, Slow Twitch etc, due to Genetics and will remain the same, before and after Strength Training. Muscles will not change their type due to Gaining Strength. If anything, your punching speed will increase due to significant increases in Muscle Strength. As long as you do not Increase your Food Consumption by an Inordinate Amount, leading to…
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Can I develop enough stamina and endurance to run a marathon from practicing yoga?

Can I develop enough stamina and endurance to run a marathon from practicing yoga?

This is the Basic of all things Fitness and Health that you MUST understand. Stress--->Adaptation Actually, Stress-—-(Recovery)--------->Adaptation When we provide a Physical Stress to our body, it Adapts to the Stress. Important to understand that this is like Medicine. You need to take the Right Medicine for a Specific Ailment. So, Medicine differs for Headache vs Typhoid vs Yellow Fever. Headache Medicine can therefore be expected to be a cure for Headache and will not for instance be the right Medicine at all for say, Yellow Fever. (Also important that the Right Dosage of Medicine is given). Same case with Fitness/Exercise Routines too. Just like each medicine is given for a specific ailment, so too specific Fitness Routines/Exercises are necessary to create specific adaptations for the body. So, if you…
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How can I increase my stamina for running/jogging as I am overweight and can’t run without taking break after half kilometer?

How can I increase my stamina for running/jogging as I am overweight and can’t run without taking break after half kilometer?

Anyone who indulges in tasks such as Running, Lifting Weights, Yoga etc., without appropriate training, will experience the same difficulty as yourself. Additionally, you state that you are overweight. Therefore, in order to increase your running capability, you have to, 1) Reduce your overall body weight (assuming that you have a significant amount of extra Body Fat). Eliminate Sugary Drinks/Food (Colas and such) Lessen your Calories intake overall (not too much) Reduce your Carbohydrate Intake somewhat... Increase your Protein and Fat (all Fat except Trans Fat is Good) Intake. Keep a more Active Lifestyle (this, in addition to your Training for Running) 2) You will need to train for Running Longer Distances, by following an appropriate Training Program. Find a Good/Experienced Running Coach. A Good Running Coach will ensure improvement…
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How can you get fit by only running?

How can you get fit by only running?

What is Fit Being Fit means Different Things to Different People, at Different Times. For some simple examples: For a teen (teenage person), being Fit might mean Excelling in a Sport that they are involved in. For a 20 something Sports person, say for an up and coming Mixed Martial Arts fighter, in addition to being obviously skilled in various Martial Arts, being Fit probably means being Strong enough to throw Effective Punches/Moves, to Counter Opponents Punches/Moves, to stay at their preferred Body Weight and to be adequately Conditioned to able to stay Effective through 3 (or 5) rounds, each of which lasts 5 minutes. For a 30 year old Executive with a Sedentary Job, being Fit might mean being able to walk the stairs without losing breath, keeping a…
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If I am significantly overweight and want to lose weight, what should I focus on more at first: my diet or exercise?

If I am significantly overweight and want to lose weight, what should I focus on more at first: my diet or exercise?

If you are Significantly Overweight, then, assuming you do not have Hormone Issues (Thyroid etc), you ought to immediately Re-Plan your Nutrition.   Hormone Issues In case you do have Hormonal Issues that need to be worked out, please seek appropriate medical help, ASAP.   Nutrition The following will definitely help with Nutrition (Re)Planning and Control: 1) Do NOT skip Breakfast 2) Include a Good Amount of Quality Protein with ALL your Meals 3) Do NOT forget your Carbs and Fats, but go easy with the amounts 4) Ensure Portion Control (Eat Less overall) 5) Ensure a Calorie Deficit overall (Calories In is Less than Calories Expended) 6) Have a 3-5 hour Gap between Meals (NO SNACKING ON ANYTHING IN-BETWEEN) 7) Have Dinner as Early as Possible...definitely, 3 hours or…
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Is foam rolling useful or useless, harmless or harmful?

Is foam rolling useful or useless, harmless or harmful?

Foam Rolling in reality, doesn’t do much, if anything. However, if you get yourself to believe that it helps you (and then, continue with that belief), then, foam roll away. If you are looking to reduce Soreness, then, it makes sense to Program your Training in a manner that you don’t get sore too often and stay that way, In addition to Programming your Training correctly, need to also ensure that you are providing for adequate/appropriate Nutrition and Rest, for Recovery purposes. For more Specific Queries, I can be contacted at [email protected] at +91-99414-73714 (WhatsApp))
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Does good upper body strength reduce the stress of lifting objects (e.g. boxes) on your spine?

Does good upper body strength reduce the stress of lifting objects (e.g. boxes) on your spine?

Lifting Objects such as Boxes can be thought of as, Lifting Object Off the Ground Carrying Object Lifted from Point A to Point B When Lifting Objects off the Ground, Make sure to Maintain your Lower Back in Extension. Ensure NOT to Round your Lower Back. In other words, your Lower Back needs to maintain the natural Lordotic Curve you see and feel, in upright standing position. When in this properly Extended Position, the Lower Back Muscles (Erector Spinae) will take the load, which is good. If you do allow your Lower Back to Round, or, are unable to keep Lower Back in Proper Extension due to your Erector Spinae muscles being weak (not Strong Enough), then, you Load the Spine in a very Unnatural manner. This for sure, will…
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How wide should my feet be in a high bar squat if I want to focus on my quads and the front of my thighs?

How wide should my feet be in a high bar squat if I want to focus on my quads and the front of my thighs?

Heels at Shoulder Width with Toes SLIGHTLY Pointing Out, would be ideal for High Bar Back Squats. Note that Back Angle (the angle that your Back Makes with the Ground) is going to be a bit more Vertical than would be for a typical Low Bar Back Squat. Also, Back Angle for a Front Squat would be even more Vertical (almost Straight) than for a High Bar Back Squat. Make sure to Break both at the Hips and at the Knees, at the same time. Make sure to track your knees over your toes. High Bar Back Squats use the Quads much more than they would your Hamstrings. The Front Squat might be an Even Better Exercise, if you are looking to work the Quads more than anything else. For…
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How can I increase my running speed easily?

How can I increase my running speed easily?

Not sure if you are referring to Long Distance Running (Full/Half Marathon etc), Middle Distance Running (800, 1500, 3000 meters etc) or Sprints (100, 200 and such). So, this is a sort of Generic List of Suggestions.   Specialized Running Drills The Specialized Speed Training for each of these, with regard to Running Drills, will vary depending on the specific event that you are training for. Best to approach a Coach who is Experienced and Knowledgeable in your Specific Event (Distance). These Running Drills are Important, and are used to Sharpen Technique, Agility, Speed, Endurance etc. Strength Increasing your Overall Strength, is Very Important and will help translate in Better Performance as well as in Reduced Injuries. Compound Exercises that work your whole body, such as Squats (Back Squats, Front…
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Is running an effective cardio for loosing a ton of body fat percentage?

Is running an effective cardio for loosing a ton of body fat percentage?

Your Nutrition is your Number 1 Priority, with regard to Losing EXCESS Body Fat. You cannot out exercise a bad diet. Any Activity/Exercise is WAY better than No Activity/No Exercise. By Running, if you mean Long Distance Running (as opposed to Sprinting), yes, it is a good exercise...if you love Running. However, there are much better ways to Exercise, with the objective of losing weight. High Intensity Interval Training is much much much more effective (and efficient, in terms of time necessary to get it done), than Long Slow Distance (LSD) running. Strength Training (following a proper Training Protocol/Regimen) is quite effective at raising your Metabolism, Increasing your Strength and Muscle Sizes as well as Increasing Bone Density...all of which will be very effective to help lose EXCESS Body Fat.…
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