Can a high BP patient run in the morning?

Can a high BP patient run in the morning?

Assuming you are the high BP patient, here are some important questions for you: How high is your BP? Are you on BP medications?Do you know the cause of your high BP?Any symptoms due to the high BP?What is your body weight?Are you "very" overweight?Are you already following any changes to your diet, to mitigate your high BP (such as low sodium etc)?Has your doctor advised you to do (or not to do) any activities to mitigate your high BP?Are you usually a Sedentary or an Active person?How old are you? These are some of the questions that need to be answered, before a specific recommendation can be made by anyone. However, if you have not seen a doctor about this already, please do so right away. If you have already…
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How do I strengthen quadriceps for intense sprinting? I got it pulled 3 times in 3 months.

How do I strengthen quadriceps for intense sprinting? I got it pulled 3 times in 3 months.

Some things which might be different from the way you have thought about Athletic Training and about Overall Fitness, so far... Likely your Coach/es too, do not look at these issues, in this manner!!! Your regular Training program is likely the best at getting you good in your Sport (Sprinting). It is the same for any sport, for that need to spend a lot of time training/playing the sport, to get excellent at it.Spending significant time training your sport, is perhaps, also the best Conditioning exercise/s that suit your sport. Granted there are other ways to improve Conditioning, (such as the Prowler, which is the best there is for Conditioning), this will largely depend on how much and how intense (Volume and Intensity) you train for your Sport and…
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Is being able to do a 5-minute plank good enough?

Is being able to do a 5-minute plank good enough?

Good enough for what? This is a question that only you can answer for yourself... If this question is for a 16 year old athlete, aspiring to win state, national and perhaps even international medals, then, of course NO...this is not sufficient... not by a LONG way. For a middle-aged executive...maybe. But, there needs to be other workouts too...all, part of a fitness regimen. Which again, depends on the health/fitness goals of the individual, around which the training schedule needs to be drawn (either by the individual, if he/she knows what they are doing or by a Qualified Professional....important note: Qualified Professional does not mean someone with "Personal Trainer" written on their T-Shirt or even if they have a gazzillion Certificates, or even if they have six-pack abs... Just these…
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Does fasting help lose weight?

Does fasting help lose weight?

If you presently have a lot of belly fat, for sure, you are Insulin Resistant (IR)...perhaps, even Diabetic. In case you haven't got checked/diagnosed yet by a Doctor, please do so right away.The related issues that go with IR and Diabetes, such as Higher than normal Insulin, Higher than normal Blood Sugar, Hypertension/High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis etc, all need to be tested for regularly and need to be controlled. In case you haven't checked these recently, do so right away (need to be checked by a Doctor and a Reputed Lab). The above are VERY IMPORTANT and please get them done right away in case you haven’t done so already. With these out of the way, now, let us discuss about if/how Fasting helps to reduce excess body fat.…
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Can an ADF diet plan reduce belly fat?

Can an ADF diet plan reduce belly fat?

Lots of factors to be looked at in this seemingly simple question. If you presently have a lot of belly fat, for sure, you are Insulin Resistant (IR)...perhaps, even Diabetic. In case you haven't got checked/diagnosed yet by a Doctor, please do so right away. The related issues that go with IR and Diabetes, such as Higher than normal Insulin, Higher than normal Blood Sugar, Hypertension/High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis etc, all need to be tested for regularly and need to be controlled. In case you haven't checked these recently, do so right away (need to be checked by a Doctor and a Reputed Lab). The above are VERY IMPORTANT and please get them done right away in case you haven’t done so already. With these out of the way,…
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How long does it take to get a flat stomach?

How long does it take to get a flat stomach?

1) You will need to burn off excess fat around your abdominal areas 2) Need to get your abdominals strong The time that this will take, entirely depends on your present body composition, your food habits, whether you are sedentary or active, how stressed out you are usually, your genetics.... Nutrition/Food habits, are perhaps the most important factor, which is under your control. The basic thing to understand regarding Nutrition is that, in order to reduce excess body fat, Calories In need to be less than Calories Out. On top of this, the average person needs to ensure that they are eating less Carbohydrates and more Protein and Healthy Fats, as part of their diet. Switching to a more active lifestyle and adding in some workouts to get stronger, will…
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Why is endurance running gaining popularity?

Why is endurance running gaining popularity?

The following could be some of the reasons for endurance (long distance) running gaining popular: It gets you can enjoy the outside air (assuming clean unpolluted air outside) and good scenery Easy to get started... Just put on some shoes and start running, which is a pretty basic human movement. For starters, specialized shoes, running technique and training regimen are not mandatory, but will become necessary soon afterwards. There are plenty of running groups around and most of them have good coaches. So, being part of a group helps with socializing and also helps with being regular in keeping up with the schedule. There is also security in numbers... it is important to be aware of and to watch out for thugs and other unscrupulous criminal elements too, out there.…
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Is squatting the knees past the toes bad?

Is squatting the knees past the toes bad?

Let us talk about two variants of Squats, the Front Squat and the Back Squat. The Front Squats are Quad Dominant. And your knees will definitely go well past your toes. Owing to the fact that the hamstrings are very shortened in this Squat, they do not contribute towards any hip extension. The Back Squat, at-least in the Low Bar Back Squat, where the Hip Drive forms a very important component, the Posterior Chain of Muscles (the hamstring, the glutes and the lower back) contribute quite heavily towards Hip Extension. Here, the emphasis is on Hip Drive. However, here too, the knees will go past the toes, but only just a bit. Exactly how much, depends on an individual's anthropometry, but it is nowhere as much ahead of the toes,…
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