Can I quit gym and start doing only cardio?

Can I quit gym and start doing only cardio?

You could… but why? It’s a real question…not a trick question. First and Foremost, decide what your Fitness Goals are. Then, you need to choose from among various Fitness Protocols, which one would best suit you, to attain your Specific Goals. You can do this yourself, if you know what you are doing. If not, talk to a Qualified Professional, and draw up a Training Plan that will help you achieve your Fitness/Health Goals. Once you are comfortable with your Training Plan, stick with it. You will need to review and update this periodically. Have said this, here are some pointers: Strength is the MOST basic of ALL fitness and health. Strength is the MOST useful in general, in life. Strength once gained, never leaves you. Strength Training will improve…
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What happens to that guy who doesn’t do any weightlifting but only push-ups and crunches?

What happens to that guy who doesn’t do any weightlifting but only push-ups and crunches?

This will largely depend on your Fitness Goals. Are you a Marathon Runner? Are you a Sprinter…? Do you have an Active Lifestyle? Do you have a Sedentary (Desk) Job? Answers to these questions might help in deciding more specific answers. However, the following holds true: Strength is the most Basic Component of Fitness Training for Strength also increasing your Cardiovascular Health (for Marathon Training and such, more Specialized Training is of course, required) Strength Gained, stays with you for Life Cardio is Gained (and is Lost) Fairly Quickly Strength Training is Anabolic (Builds Muscle…shouldn’t be confused with Body Building…it is Vastly Different). Strength Training also Increases Bone Density and Increases Sense of Balance. Think of how many of your older Relatives have Had a Fall Have Broken one/more of…
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How do I reduce belly fat within one week by doing exercises at home, can anyone suggest some exercises?

How do I reduce belly fat within one week by doing exercises at home, can anyone suggest some exercises?

Depending upon how much Belly Fat you have accumulated, it is not going to be possible to reduce all the extra Fat within one week…even if it were possible, it wouldn’t be healthy. Understand that it took a LONG TIME for the Extra Fat to accumulate and will take time to go away. No Exercise is going to accomplish this within one week. In fact, more than Exercise, you need to Concentrate more on Food. Remember, YOU CANNOT OUT EXERCISE A BAD DIET. And, before we delve into any discussion, if it only Belly Fat that you have accumulated (and not elsewhere), please get yourself screened IMMEDIATELY for Diabetes/Pre-Diabetes. Ok, continuing on… The following are my Recommendations to Reduce Extra Belly Fat, in a Healthy Manner…will likely take much more…
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Do core exercises like squats or the farmer’s walk help people lose weight/exhaust excess calories, or are there entirely different sets of exercises for that?

Do core exercises like squats or the farmer’s walk help people lose weight/exhaust excess calories, or are there entirely different sets of exercises for that?

The most important thing to understand in this discussion is this: You Cannot Out-Exercise a Bad Diet. It doesn’t matter what exercises you do, how intense you work-out…… If you continue to eat in an unhealthy manner, you will continue to be overweight and unhealthy. On the other hand, although this is not advisable, you can actually not workout at all and change your diet…and, just with this, can reduce your Extra Body Weight. If you need more specifics regarding what changes are required diet-wise, let me know… With regard to exercise, this helps and supplements in your efforts to lose Extra Body Weight. Proper exercise will, Help you burn more Calories Help you increase your Metabolism, so, your body burns more Calories than Stores them as Fat…essentially, also gives…
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What is the best workout to target all muscle groups twice a week?

What is the best workout to target all muscle groups twice a week?

If you are a Professional Bodybuilder, then, the following suggestions will NOT apply to you. Assuming that you are NOT a Professional Bodybuilder and that you are looking to get Fitter and Stronger Overall, the following are my suggestions: First off, ANY Activity is WAY BETTER than NO ACTIVITY. Having said that… Do NOT look at workouts from the point of view of Body Part Splits. Your body does works as one whole unit…does not work in parts. Think of needing to walk, run, swim, lift a bucket of water, smash as Tennis Ball with you Racquet…every time, your body co-ordinates and works as a whole unit. Body part splits, work fine for Body Builders. Bodybuilding is a sport…just like Cricket for example. However, while Cricket is good in keeping…
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What diet really helps you lose weight very fast?

What diet really helps you lose weight very fast?

I would use the word Food Habits, rather than the word Diet. The following Food Habits will work best. What to Eat Eliminate Fast Food, Junk Food and Sodas of ALL KINDS Reduce Intake of Simple Carbohydrates (White Rice, White Bread, Flour…) Get your Carbohydrate Requirements from Complex Carbohydrates (such as Oats) Ensure you have a Good Amount of Protein with ALL YOUR MEALS Dietary Fat is good…it will NOT make you Fat. Avoid the Trans Fat variety though. When to Eat (and When NOT to Eat) Do NOT SKIP BREAKFAST Do NOT SKIP ANY MEALS Include a Good Amount of Quality Protein with your BREAKFAST (Reiterating from above) Include a Good Amount of Quality Protein with ALL YOUR MEALS Have a 4–5 hour Gap Between Meals …. DO NOT…
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For the past three months I have been training hard but my muscles are not growing. What should I do?

For the past three months I have been training hard but my muscles are not growing. What should I do?

Ensure you have designed an Appropriate Workout Program, that,Has Compound Exercises that workout your entire body…not Body Part Split (Body Building type) ExercisesI would recommend Squats, Deadlifts, (Overhead) Presses / Bench Press (alternating)… Include Power Cleans in about a months’ time. Include Chin-ups, as an additional Exercise, as on all days, right from the start.Has Progressive Overload as its Foundation, (you need to increase weight, progressively, in a meaningful manner, EVERY TIME you workout)Has Linear Progression built into it, (until you graduate from a Novice into an Intermediate)Should provide for appropriate Rest Days. You CANNOT work out everyday. In fact, workout no more than 3 days per week… 2 days per week is sufficient (3 days per week is much better/quicker results)… Any less than 2 per week or any…
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Best Deltoid exercises at home

Best Deltoid exercises at home

Would suggest that you do NOT look at workouts by Body Part Splits. Why only Deltoids? Why only at Home? To be able to discuss more at length, need to know some details for the above questions. Anyway, generally speaking, Barbell (Free Weights) Exercises (Compound Exercises that work your Whole Body) is something that you can do from home (provided you buy Barbell, Weights, a Power Rack)… You will also need to learn how to perform these exercises. You will need to design a Training Program (do it yourself, if you know what you are doing. Otherwise, contact a Qualified Professional… If you need our help, contact us. Squats, Deadlifts, (Overhead) Presses alternating with Bench Presses, Power Cleans and Chin-ups should all be a part of your Training Program. The…
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Why do I gain fat as well as muscle after strength training?

Why do I gain fat as well as muscle after strength training?

It is not specifically, the Strength Training, that is causing Fat Gain. It is the CALORIE SURPLUS which is causing it…along with the TYPE OF CALORIES that you are consuming. To be clear, Calorie Surplus is MANDATORY for you to grow. If you are in a Calorie Deficit status, you will NOT grow. In a Calorie Surplus state, your body then distributes these Calorie Surpluses towards Muscle growth and Fat Storage etc… You cannot get only one to happen without the other. However, you can Skew this as, much more towards Muscle Growth and less towards Fat Storage. Strength Training gives your Body a Reason to Grow Muscle. At that time, it is looking for something to Fuel that Growth. Therefore, you need to keep yourself in a Calorie Surplus…
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What should I do to lose weight in one month?

What should I do to lose weight in one month?

The First and Foremost thing with regard to losing excess body weight is through proper Nutrition. 1. Depending upon whether you have a Sedentary or Active Lifestyle, you will adjust the number of Calories of Food Consumed. 2. The type/quality of Food you eat is also important. Avoid Junk Food and Fast Food. Eat healthy food, prepared at home, to the extent possible. 3. Avoid Simple Carbohydrates (those that digest very quickly), such as Sugars, Starches….Rice, White Bread… 4. Eat Complex Carbohydrates (those that do NOT digest very quickly)… Oats is a good example (for Oats, make sure you are not allergic to Gluten). 5. Vegetables are an Excellent source of Carbohydrates and contain many other Essential Nutrients. Never avoid Vegetables. 6. Portion Control… It is important that you eat…
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